Vet Bills for Veteran
WA3%’s Boots on the Home Ground assisted a veteran with his vet bills and pet insurance to get...

Jonathon Choe: “Lynnwood Confrontation:
LYNNWOOD CONFRONTATION: Antifa militants and transgender activists clashed with Olympus Spa supporters Saturday afternoon. Lots of in your...

J.K. Rowling declares WA3% House Gryffindor
In response to the Olympus Spa in Lynwood WA protest J.K. Rowling replied with her support and declares...

Adopt a Highway
Great weekend for WA3% commitment to SERVICE. As III% we are committed to the 4 Pillars of The...

Grassroots group of the year
WA3% Grassroots group of the year awarded by the Washington Action Pac and Rise Up Washington during tonight’s...

Thanksgiving 2020 Homeless Street Feed
What a humbling experience, and great #Thanksgiving2020 we all had yesterday. WASHINGTON 3 PERCENT, BOOTS ON THE HOMEGROUND, the...

Z3 Wheel Chair Ramp
Our zone 3 members donated materials and built a wheel chair ramp for an elderly lady that hadn’t...

Goldstar family car
Washington 3%’s boots on the home ground donated a much needed car during a goldstar family recognition at...

Township of Marshall, WA Water Pump Repair
Washington 3%’s Boots on the Home Ground volunteers present a check of $1,200 to the township of Marshall,...